Todays Letters & Building Your Best Marriage
Lauren in Life, Sweet things

The Loerke's (aren't they cute? I'm just sayin...)
Images via Todays Letters

On this little blog I talk a lot about crafting, fashion, food, design and wedding goodness. I love all of these things, and find creative inspiration and passion in them. But sometimes you have to talk about the really important stuff too. With all of the work that goes into the wedding planning, I am also always thinking of ways to make not only the wedding amazing, but the marriage that comes with it amazing and wonderful as well. I love gathering insight into other people's relationships and marriages and truly feel the more I learn, the more I can devote to making ours the best possible.

My sweet friend Laine introduced me to a blog called Todays Letters that has become such an inspiration to me. The Loerke's have been married for 5 years and live right here in Dallas (woot!) And, while I don't know them personally, I love starting each day with a wonderful little post about their lives and love. I was especially touched by this post: 10 Things That Have Made All the Difference. I am such a fan of making sure we say how much we love each other everyday and love finding ways to show G that I'm his biggest fan. I can't wait to incorporate some of these lovely things into our relationship. I'm buying a journal today for #3!

I love love love you G! You are always the best part of my day and I am truly-incredibly-crazy lucky to get to marry my BFF and partner in crime.


Article originally appeared on Olive & Bleu: A Texas Girl's Guide to Lovely Things (
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