Welcome to Olive and Bleu.
I'm Lauren & I'm so glad you stopped by!
This is a collection of musings on design,
art, craftiness, fashion, food, decorating,
weddings and other things that make
life lovely. I hope you enjoy!




Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


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A Very Blustery Day (30 for 30 Day 5)

Well, I've made it to Day 5! Its rainy & blustery in Big D today, so I'm headed home for margaritas, Mexican food, the first season of True Bood on DVD and some cuddling with the hubs! Happy Weekend!





Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter amoxicilline en ligne Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

My (Grown-Up) Christmas List

Why is it a "grown-up" list you are wondering? Well, because I am feeling more like an actual grown-up everyday. The hubs (OMG, I'm married- that's really adult, right?) and I are on house hunting-and only grown-ups are allowed to buy their very own houses. And I have a sander on my wish list. What bratty teenager in their right mind would want power tools for Christmas? Yes, this is another clue to my adulthood, people. I am so pumped to use it to do some furniture refinishing.

Just so you know, this is an imaginary Christmas list-We had our awesome wedding this year and Geoff and I are saving our pennies for our new home, so it will be a lovely but small holiday. I just can't wait to eat too  much, bake with my mom, hug my family and take lots of naps.

Happy Friday lovelies. I will be back with my 30 for 30 outfit post later today. My camera battery died so no uploading till it charges. Whoops.




Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter amoxicilline en ligne Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

American Girl (30 for 30: Day 4)

Happy Veterans Day (and Day 4 of the 30 for 30 Challenge!) I was feeling a little patriotic this morning and threw on this red, white & blue (and teal) number. This is one of my fave sweaters ever- my sweet mother-in-law got it for me last Christmas and I have gotten a ton of wear out of it. And I was feeling a little colorful so I threw on a big pair of red and orange earrings from Anthro and my most comfortable red flats. Voila- an outfit as American as apple pie.

I'm am learning more and more from this challenge everyday. I really feel like it is teaching me to pair colors and tetures that I wouldn't normally think of (like teal and blue and red and orange and stripes- oh my!) And I am grateful for the blogging community who truly have embraced this challenge and are supporting each other- thank you for all the comments and love ladies!

And today I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to my friend Laine's Hubby Dustin and her brother Randall, and all the veterans that have served and are serving our country. I appreciate the sacrifices you make everyday to keep us safe and protect the things I love most. Love you guys (and girls)!





Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter amoxicilline en ligne Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

Its a Plaid World (30 for 30 Day 3)

Good morning and welcome to Day 3 of the 30 for 30 Challenge. I have to say, I thought this little adventure would be really restrictive for me and that I wouldn't have many ideas, but it has been just the opposite. It may sound odd, but by limiting my pieces I feel like I have a ton more ideas for how to style them. I guess its easy to get overwhelmed with "stuff"- endless things taking up space- but when you really buckle down and use what you have, it can be just as exciting as weekly shopping trips. (Now I just shop in my closet...)

Anyway, enough on the anti-consumerism rant...I will always love to shop, I am just choosing to focus those funds on the big picture now- a house and future. And I really think this 30 for 30 Challenge will help me do so.

Any of you have any 30 for 30 ephiphanies yet?





Si Vous avez au moins la moindre des questions sur aucun des médicaments, Vous serez en mesure de poser les nous sur le site ou sur la page Facebook acheter amoxicilline en ligne Et en achetant des médicaments, Vous recevrez la livraison à la même adresse, qui choisissent eux-mêmes et que vous spécifiez lors de l'achat.

Spotted (30 for 30 Day 2)

Good Morning! Welcome to Tuesday-Day 2 of the 30 for 30 Challenge (still going strong). It looks like the shopping ban could not have come at a better time, we found out yesterday that we are having to cut back hours at work. For those who don't know, I am the Senior Art Director for a design firm in Dallas. I love my job, but it turns out I will probably need to start looking for something new. Prayers and luck are needed! 

So after getting that bad news, I decided to cheer myself up with my favorite top. I waited forever for this little baby to hit the sale rack at Anthro, but when I got 4 gift cards to Anthropologie for my birthday in August (um, I guess I'm not so subtle with the Anthro love) I snapped it up at full price and have loved it to pieces. (And its STILL not on sale- sheesh!) Its definitely in my top 5 favorite pieces of clothing. Luckily, I included it in my 30 for 30 pieces. Hope you like it!!





30 for 30: Day 2